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Through our overseas expedition, we had numerous takeaways and insights. One of which is to appreciate what we have and count our blessings. The Laotians showed us, through their frugal yet purposeful lifestyle, that instead of dwelling on what we do not possess, we sould treasure and be thankful for what we already have. Despite facing problems of water shortage and blackouts, travelling long distances to schools, lacking accessibility to medical care, etc. they always remain content and appreciative of life as it is.
This expedition also taught us the true essence of service. Service is not an easy task but we should never underestimate the difference we can make and what each of us can contribute. During the 14 days of service in the villages, we stepped out of our comfort zone, immersed ourselves in the Laotian's way of life, forged genuine lasting friendships and gave our all to the real needs of the community.
Being rich is not about how much you have, but how much you give.
The meaningful expreince in Laos spurred us to contribute back to our local community. We work closely with the children from Darul Ihsan Orphanaga and we taught aspects of IT, English and Hygiene. We hope that through these experiences, the spirit of volunteerism would be ignited amidst our members and rub off onto those around us.
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